Saturday, July 12, 2014


Yesterday was a day of much needed rest. I thought I should push through as I was worried that if I take a rest I wouldn't come back.

Been really tired lately. Went to a sleep center yesterday to start a sleep study. Anyway I digress.

Today was Day 13: Sweat. 40 minutes long. Well I think maybe closer to 36....

I gotta admit that I still don't love it but omg what a difference a few sessions make. I thought I was able to keep up much better and did much more of the workout in its intended form, depth, etc. I think partly because my strength has already increased and because I know the moves better and could move / flow through instead of fumbling along.

I did have moments where my lack of focus kicked in and I wanted to bail after 20 minutes but I stuck with it. Just kept telling myself do 5 more mins. What helped too is that my husband have me some encouragement this morning and said hey he is finally after all these years feeling the beginning of a muscle on me. Ha!

That is all. Must shower and get going on our busy weekend day. I do have a massage booked for later so I'm excited. I checked my calendar history and the last one was almost a year ago. Craziness. Must not wait that long next time!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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