Monday, December 30, 2013


Taking a recovery day. Spent most of the day cleaning.

Think my sleep number was whacked and deflated while we were on vacation and woke up feeling horrible yesterday and today with a very sore arm.

Tiger balm patch yesterday helped to feel good enough to work out so I think it some for another patch. I love this stuff.

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Dynamic Core

Back from vacation / in-laws and time to get back on my routine!  I did pretty well sticking to T-25 even on travel though.  I think (don't quote me), the only days I skipped were the two 9/10 hour travel days and Christmas day.  The rest of the week, I popped in the DVD and did the workout.

Had to skip to Beta Week 1 Day 4 today as I didn't have my Day 2/3 DVD handy to do Day 3.  Dynamic Core complete though! :).

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Holiday Greetings

Hello! Happy holidays! My Christmas present to myself is finishing T-25 Alpha on Christmas Eve! Now I'm on to Beta.

I got my husband P90X3 for Christmas so I can't wait to check it out.


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Monday, December 23, 2013


Yesterday I did a double and did Total Body Circuit followed by Abs.

Today I did Total Body Circuit again and was joined by my husband, brother in law, and nephew! :).

Only one more workout left to finish the Alpha round! I'm down almost 7 pounds from when I first started :).

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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Time Flies....

... when you are having fun!  Right?!?!

Well it has certainly passed.  Not sure if it is fun or just the business of the holiday season.  I finally got our Christmas cards ordered last night!

Anyway, I've been struggling with overeating in recent years and my metabolism has slowed down and working from home means I don't move around much on a regular basis.  It's been nice to get on the scale twice this week and see a drop in one pound each time.  I think Shakeology is really helping me curb the hunger and give me energy.   The workouts and the shake are surprisingly a good combo in keeping me focused.  Didn't really buy into it in the beginning but seems to be working :).

I was sick for awhile and then between a heavy work schedule and my husband traveling, I am behind in exercising.

Schedule lately....
Sat 12/7 - Abs
Sun 12/8 Nada
Mon - Wed 12/9 - 12/11 Sick :(
Thurs 12/12 Speed 1.0
Fri 12/13 Working
Sat 12/14 Skiing
Sun 12/15 Nada
Mon 12/16 - Tues 12/17 - Rob on travel
Wed 12/18 - Total Body Workout

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Did you miss me? I am pretty much my own worst enemy. Over committing and under delivering. Need to swap this one around!

I stayed up working until 3:30 am last night. That sucked. Seriously thought I was going to need a nap today, but I think shakeology + coffee gives me much needed energy.

I completed total body focus today. I nailed it! Dug in deeper on squats and body work. Even left a drippy puddle like those guys on the DVD!

Yesterday was lower focus. I completed it and could feel the burn in my legs today.

Took Monday off and didn't work out. Sunday was Totao Body work again.

Well about to pass out.

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Friday, November 29, 2013

Long Weekend

Howdy!  Happy belated Thanksgiving!

Thursday = Woke up super early to take my mom to the airport, hit the grocery store on the way home (was there by 6am), picked up quite a bit, went home and cooked and realized I needed more stuff so went back out to the store.

Didn't get my workout in like I had planned, was on my feet all day baking.  Our neighbors were kind enough to invite us to dinner and we took dessert with us.  The food was super yummy and I did as Tony recommended on facebook - take some food, go back for seconds of your favorites, do not go back for thirds.
Got on the scale this morning, some of the the weight came back, but still was X-2.4 so was happy.

Friday got in the abs workout.  Easier this time slightly, but still a lot of work. I hope in 10 weeks this pays off and I have some good results!!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Status Update

Alrighty, I'm about to wrap up Week 3 soon (on the first Friday workout of Week 3 - so almost a week behind).  Finished Total Body today and I think I can claim it as nailed it.  Did most of the moves without modification.

Yesterday doubled up on Lower Body Focus & Cardio.

Starting to feel good and see results.  Legs are sore tonight though.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Motivation just struck.

Scale this morning was X - 3.4. I had to step off and back on again to make sure. Woot woot. Now feeling slightly guilty crawling back into bed. I'm take the day off of work so I think more sleep is good :). T-25 later for sure as motivation has struck!

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X-2.4 on Monday morning. A weekend where I haven't put on weight lost from the week prior is awesome.

Only shake today. Haven't worked out since Saturday. Looking forward to my exercise again (first time I have ever said this) on Tuesday.

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Friday, November 22, 2013


Was too tired to blog last night. Started late due to helping son with homework and then dealing with my daughter being sick. 10:30pm and started. Figured if I was going to have to shower I might as well double up. Finished up Week 2 yesterday. Doubled up on Lower Body and Abs. It was hard on my ankles especially the deadlift and the calf raises. Abs was hard but was more bearable than last time.

It's late again. Trying to find the energy to go do t25 tonight but it is already 10:15pm and we are still hanging out next door after watching a movie with the kids.

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Thursday, November 21, 2013


Yesterday morning = X - 1.8
This morning = X - 1.2

Ugh shouldn't have had that second Thai iced tea with dinner!!

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Mornings are rough. I'm not a morning person! I debated for all of 30 seconds to roll out of bed and get my exercise in before the kids need to be up but couldn't get myself out of bed yet.

My friend Enna is a SAHM of two. She must get up around 4 or 4:30 every day to get her me time in. I don't know how she does it.

Anyway, since the prior article seems to help, I googled "how to wake up early" today. This article had some good advice. #1 cracked me up!!

Picking a couple to yet would tell me I really need to figure out #5 and obviously go for #8. I'm a night owl. Going to bed early is so hard. Maybe the next google search is going to be how to go to bed earlier.

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Resting up

Today I drank my shake and am resting my ankle as it still hurts from NYC. I did over 100 good Shaun T style squats and my legs, butt, abs do feel like they got a workout so I'm pretty happy.

On the other front, I tried the lifehacker tip to at least only keep windows open I was working on and did feel much more productive. Another stab at it tmr!

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Oh yeah

One more other tidbit - I've been hovering around X-1 or X-2 lately still. Pretty good considering we went away for the weekend and usually that equals plus 2 pounds that just hand on. This seems promising at least. Burning ankles though from the weekend still!!

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In other news, I've constantly got the word FOCUS on mind. I'm easily distracted and probably have ADD so sometimes life can be challenging. Since I'm up late I decided I needed to google 'how to focus' and get some tips. This way I can get more done during the day and have to less at night.

This was a good article. Some of the tips really make me think like having only two windows and taking breaks to set up for the next task. Those who watch my screen over screensharing would know that I have a crazy number of windows open - usually tied to some unfinished task. I may give some of these things a try tmr (or today rather). I won't be able to do the five tab limit for awhile I don't think :-D. The other challenge is having work IM up and the constant interruptions plus meetings. Will see how this works out tomorrow!

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Whew, trying to get into the swing of things.  I should be on Week 3 Day 2, but instead I just doubled up and wrapped up Week 2 Days 3 & 4 tonight.

Last week was rough with the family life and then we did a last minute trip to Boston & NY for a long weekend.  Saturday was spent all in the car and didn't get much exercise or movement at all.  Sunday we then toured NYC and that was crazy on my ankle.  By the end of the night, I could barely move.  Only logged about 20k steps, but my ankle straps I think made things worse when I wore it too long.  I didn't take my kinsio tape / tiger balm patch so had to just suck it up.  Didn't eat too badly as much as I thought I would pig out in NYC since we were rushing everywhere.  It is definitely a vibrant place and I loved staying in Times Square.  Monday was more rushing around and only got in about 10k steps.  I did do 75 squats last night and 25 lunges after we got home late.

My ankles are still hurting badly, but I'm never going to progress and catch up if I don't get my workouts in.  Doubled up when we got home from kids' activities and started around 8:45 or so.

Tonight was Speed 1.0 and Alpha Cardio.  Both of these I have quite a bit of experience with by now and managed to do them without as much modifications.  The modifications were due to my ankles for the most part.  I was doing less modifications, dripping sweat, but now I'm not nearly as winded as before so I think that is progress!  I think I can chalk these up more on the nailed it column!

Have a good night!

Friday, November 15, 2013

I'm back!

I'm back!  Did you miss me?  I'm flat out exhausted.  It was a really really rough week.  My work was insane (this is the third night that I'm working until about 2am this week).  I had a PTA meeting and we had a board meeting to prep in advance.  My husband was out of town, so I had to juggle the kids activities.  Thank goodness for my mom being here and helping with getting the kids breakfast every morning.  I was a zombie by then each morning.  

I had no energy this week to exercise.  If I didn't work out in the mornings, my afternoons/evenings got so crazy!  Anyway, I'm back on the band wagon - I had a shake today and I doubled up on my workout so I finished Week 2 Days 1 & 2 today.  I guess technically yesterday (Thursday) as it is now already Friday.  Hmmm, time to go double up and do Days 3,4?  Nah- falling asleep at the keyboard.  Good night!!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


X-2 this morning. Not bad for one week. Hopefully building muscle too. Zzz this morning. Running on about 4.5 hrs of sleep.

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Sunday and Monday

Skipped sat workout. Got Fridays second half done on Sunday morning before church.

Monday = first fail day of not getting my exercise in due to work and other personal obligations. Plan to make up on this session later this week though!!

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Friday, November 8, 2013

Day 5 ugh

Not going to lie. Today was hard. My bad ankles plus calf hops didn't mix. My ankles are sore now.

Should have gotten out of bed earlier this morning and did my workout at that time. I slacked and then ended up with a busy personal and work day. Then had to cook for a class pot luck, we didn't get home until close to 9:30. Had a ton of dishes to wash. Really wanted to just lay on the sofa and pass out and tell myself to catch up tmr.

Decided to suck it up and started the first part at 10pm. It was thankfully over by 10:30 pm. Barely made it. Lower focus was painful on my ankles. Had my shake late this morning but did drink it. Now I'm tired. Going to shower and hit the sack.

Is anyone actually reading this? Nite. Zzz.

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I'm hungry

Just realized that I've been so busy this morning that I haven't had my shake (or coffee yet).

Haven't gotten the workouts yet in for today.

Number wasn't that bad this morning X-1.2 actually. I was expecting to go back to X after last nights pizza. I did restrain myself to two slices only. Probably a good thing as my daughter devoured the other 3-4 slices in the car on the way home from gymnastics.

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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day 4 complete

I didn't want to do it. I really didn't. Lousy day at work, but it is only day 4 and if I start making excuses now it isn't likely to get any better later.

Started at 8:52 pm. It was harder than I expected actually but not as rough as yesterday.

I had my shake for breakfast, some yummy noodles my mom made for lunch and then fatty pizza for dinner at the gym. Not the healthiest day, but not the worst I guess.

Day 4 = somewhere between nailed it and barely made it.

Weight this morning was x-1. After tonight's dinner in thinking tomorrow's stat is going to be bad.

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Not yet

If you are checking in on progress, nothing yet today. Had my usual shake already. Work got pretty crazy so need to do the abs workout when I get home after kids activities.

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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Day 3 - Entertained

Day 3 was Total Body Workout.  Some of the moves were definitely more challenging than Days 1 and 2.  I am so sore and pretty much out of energy now.  Rob worked on it with me as well.  He kept me entertained with his commentary and helped keep me motivated to keep pushing through since he was watching.

The workout has a tracker and you get to check Nailed It or Barely Made It.  Today = Barely Made it.

My usual vanilla shake + 4 shots of espresso + milk + ice.

I weigh myself each morning.... so far:
Day 1 = X.
Day 2 = X - .8
Day 3 = X - 1.4

I can usually manage to lose weight during the week, but some how the weekends kill me.  We shall see how it goes.

At some point I'll put the delta on measurements up.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


I walked with my neighbor to the local polling place and back.  I didn't have my phone app on, but manually mapped the route when I got home.  So add a 2.5mile walk to my activity for today.  Time for a quick nap before kids activities tonight.  Zzzz.

Day 2 - Trying to get moving

I wasn't feeling very motivated today.  Taking the day off of work so slept in.  Yesterday I was supposed to be off as well, but ended up working so much I think I did enough to make up for my hours off today!    

Anyway, finally rolled out of bed and just feeling blah.  I went and worked out though because I knew I had to come make this blog post and also go log in on my accountability group.  Thanks for helping me over my laziness lump this morning :)

I think it's because I haven't had my coffee yet.  About to drink it now, waiting for my mom to get off the phone so I can finish blending up my shakeology.  Today I started with 4 shots of espresso (up from my original 2 shots), vanilla shakeology, ice up to the 2 line on my ninja blender, and then lactaid milk up to the 3 line.  This turned out to be too watery so now I'm just adding more ice to make it more solid.  Note to self for tomorrow - less milk more ice :).  

Day 2 - Speed 1.0 complete!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Ready, Set, Start

My friends have been asking me how the program is going, I don't like to do status updates daily about working out so I'll try to keep the updates going here.
Today is the first day of the Challenge Group I joined.  We are supposed to take our pictures each phase, take measurements weekly, and then report in on Facebook that we did the daily workout and drank the daily shake.  No need to upload pictures to the group - it is just for accountability and motivation.  To be in the challenge group, you could pick to do just the workout, just drink the shake, or do both.

I purchased a Challenge Pack so I'm doing both.  I started the DVDs sporadically a few weeks ago and I've seen the improvements in just this short time period of working out 3-4 times a week.  It helped make the goal more achievable and today's Day 1 start was still a workout, but I was able to do a bit 'more' and not just follow along with Tanya the modifier.

While I haven't lost any actual weight yet, my arm and thigh measurements have improved and my stamina and speed has increased.  Other big improvements I see include my energy levels going up and I don't get as cranky easily.  I like it better than P90x or Insanity because I still work up a sweat and it seems more manageable in my schedule to carve out 25 minutes between conference calls than committing 60-90 minutes.

Happy to report in to start the challenge that Day 1 - Alpha Cardio + Vanilla/Espresso Shakeology complete!

Check back tomorrow to see if I managed to do Day 2!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


I have been working out with my neighbor and trying Beach Body's Focus T25. I've enjoyed it so far as it is own thing that seems 'doable' with my lifestyle still. I run out of stamina for the other programs like P90x and Insanity so I think this will be a nice start. I liked it so much I've now signed on as a Beach Body coach ( so I can get my shakes on sale) :). The shipment should arrive by the end of the week so I'm excited! In the meantime, I work out with my friend I can.

I was able to get in one T25 session today (it was harder than the others I've done do far) and also ran to and from school pick up. Now I'm sore and ready for bed!

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