Last week was rough with the family life and then we did a last minute trip to Boston & NY for a long weekend. Saturday was spent all in the car and didn't get much exercise or movement at all. Sunday we then toured NYC and that was crazy on my ankle. By the end of the night, I could barely move. Only logged about 20k steps, but my ankle straps I think made things worse when I wore it too long. I didn't take my kinsio tape / tiger balm patch so had to just suck it up. Didn't eat too badly as much as I thought I would pig out in NYC since we were rushing everywhere. It is definitely a vibrant place and I loved staying in Times Square. Monday was more rushing around and only got in about 10k steps. I did do 75 squats last night and 25 lunges after we got home late.
My ankles are still hurting badly, but I'm never going to progress and catch up if I don't get my workouts in. Doubled up when we got home from kids' activities and started around 8:45 or so.
Tonight was Speed 1.0 and Alpha Cardio. Both of these I have quite a bit of experience with by now and managed to do them without as much modifications. The modifications were due to my ankles for the most part. I was doing less modifications, dripping sweat, but now I'm not nearly as winded as before so I think that is progress! I think I can chalk these up more on the nailed it column!
Have a good night!
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