Saturday, July 30, 2016

New Discoveries

Finally got around to working on the kids' rooms and closets this week.  My MIL got them unpacked when we first moved in, but I needed to go in and sort and organize still.  

I originally took this picture yesterday to show how I definitely shop for my son and the color selections in his closet reflect this.  

I am also really behind on laundry at the moment, and have now done about 4-5 loads since last night.  As I am putting his clothes away this morning, I noticed something about his clothes.  Can you see the the difference?

Here it is side by side with a bigger hint:

All of his green shirts were in th laundry and seems to be what he gravitated towards first.  This is really making me step back and think because last night he was sitting there so sad right before dinner.  When I asked him what was wrong, he broke down and said no one ever notices him or pays attention to him.  

This broke my heart because I thought we were doing ok.  That how I showed my love for him was what he needed, but clearly his love language is different.  

I'm still sitting here a bit perplexed this morning trying to feel like I haven't failed as a mother 😢.  The clothing situation I can rectify easily.  The ensuring that he knows I love him and working on making him feel like I give him the attention he needs will be harder.  I'm still puzzling out exactly what he perceives is the gap and that I could do differently.  I can't play hello kitty with him like I do  with K.  Maybe I can play cars with him and carving out more mommy and R time.  🤔

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