Thursday, June 4, 2015

Day 3 ✔️

Finished Day 3 Total Body Circuit. Barley. Really mixed feelings today...
- Proud that I finished even though I had a headache every time I jumped to landed. - Disappointed I let myself slip so far back that I'm struggling again.

Why did I start again? It was the realization that I've gained back 8 of the pounds I've lost. I haven't weighed myself since the day before my birthday. I don't think it was nearly as bad - was just the bloating from pms that added to the size of my belly that made me sad.

(I don't know what Pms is called after a hysterectomy though ... I still have my ovaries and hormones so I still get the bloat and major mood swings but no pain and issues.)

Anyway, I should go and weigh and take my body measurements again so I can see the results after I finish my program.

Eating and drinking better - haven't had a soda since Monday night.

Me post work out. It was tough today and I worked up a good sweat.

My workout buddy. He wasn't that impressed apparently. 😖

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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Day 2

Day 2 is finally in the books after starting at night rather than in the morning like I had planned. Lessons learned:
* Need to just get my workouts in before I start my work day.
* Plan my meals again- didn't over eat today but don't have the energy now like I did yesterday when I spaced out my meals and snacks better.

Speed 1.0 while not crazy hard like when I started originally, seemed longer than 25 minutes today - think it was because of the lower energy!!

Ah well. I feel so much better mentally now that I can check that item off my to do list. :)

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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Workout started

No more excuses 😅 - I'm 37, the oldest kid is now 9 and I'm nearly 5 months post surgery.

T25 Day 1 Alpha Cardio - check. Not quite starting over at -0 but definitely harder than when I stopped working out consistently. The first 10 mins went by pretty fast - the last 15 seemed longer than before 😝. Every time I wanted to quit I looked to the right where our old TV was and see my reflection and how much I hated my weight currently and it pushed me to continue.

At least it's over for today and my knees survived! Next is to eat well today....

What is your health and fitness goal for today? Whatever it is - do it early and plan ahead! I need to go plan those meals and snacks before I get starving and devour everything in sight and make this all for naught!

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