I just wanted to share why I haven't been posting as much lately. Besides the usual life is busy chasing kids and keeping up with work reasons. This might be too TMI for some of you so feel free to skip on out and come back another day :).
My monthly cycles have always been painful, but they've gotten increasingly more so lately. I had an ultrasound done and it seems like I have a small endometrial polyp and possibly adenomysis. Here is a good link / youtube video explaining the condition.
The cramps hurt like crazy (sometimes like a contraction pain), the blood loss/flow is insane and no fun at all. I was getting light headed and dizzy which the doc said was probably from low iron from the blood. So now my regiment during this time consists of popping tons of pills with: iron supplement, stool softeners to counter the iron pills, lysteda (an acid to help reduce the clotting / flow), and Motrin 800.
Usually all I want to do is hibernate away for a few days, but lately R has been traveling a lot and the timing has been coinciding with my cycles which have just sucked. So even though all I want to do is assume the fetal position, I can't and must pick myself up and carry on with work and taking care of the kids.
Anyway, this has been bringing me down a lot lately and disrupting my workout routine with the constant starts and stops. Need to get back and press 'Start'.
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