Hard to believe exactly one month ago, we packed up our belongings and left behind our beautiful home and our friends in Northern VA. I was devastated at the time to leave the area that I spent the last 20 years and to be honest wasn't that excited about the journey ahead.
Tomorrow, we will have been in Colorado for four weeks. Life has changed in many ways and not so much in many others. I'm back at work and trying to work 6am - 3pm. This should hopefully free me up to be with the kids after school when they go back (in 22 days :-o) and also helps me to have meeting with UK and India easier. kids are back in their activities already so that takes up our time again.
On that first walk before the kids even got to CO and we went to their school, we met by chance a man that was out there setting up for soccer on the school fields. We called out and asked if there was a camp and he said no, he was a coach for the local league and was about to do a private lesson. We got his contact information and R has been doing privates with him this summer. It's been such a great thing for him and we've seen a huge improvement in his game. I think this will be a big confidence booster to getting on hopefully a competitive league this fall.
K is back in gymnastics, although it's been a big adjustment for her and probably more for her momma and the expectations. The meet season in CO for compulsories pretty much run from September - December and the Level 4 / Level 5 state meet here is the first week in December. Their girls here have been training for Level 4 since January and K didn't start practicing L4 stuff until her L3 State meet season ended in Mid May and then she took off the whole month of June. According to the coaches here, each week off is like a month off of their training with not using the same muscles. All things considered, K is likely not going to compete L4 this year and is training with the developmental team instead of the L4 team (and she would've trained with the L6 Training team back in VA). The upside is only 9 hours in the gym instead of 16 hours a week and then she will be evaluated again in Dec. / Jan. for next year. She is happy though so mom will be happy for her too, they spend a lot of time right now tweaking her forms and the group she is with is her age group. She just gotta get that kip!

The biggest change has been all of the time we spend outside. We haven't been able to plan too far ahead, but try and look up hikes to do on the weekends. We hiked Raven's Roost and Oxen Draw today. The climb was pretty rough for me.
At one point, K asked me if I wished I had stayed home today. I told her no, I wanted to be with my family, but I felt bad that I had to rest a lot and was holding them back. She said, she liked the rest too but didn't want to say anything as she doesn't want her dad and her brother to think she couldn't keep up. What a cutie :)

I thought all of that uphill was never going to end, but we finally got to the viewing point and it felt so glorious to just sit and soak in the view. I am starting to get an inkling of why people would enjoy hiking so much. It's such a peaceful feeling to just sit up there and enjoy nature - until this bug bit me. Then the moment was ruined. Thankfully the downhill journey down was much better for my heart rate.
Sunset at R's soccer lesson tonight |
R @ practice |