Today, I asked the movers to make me feel better and tell me we weren't the largest load they've had to move. Thankfully he said they've moved plenty larger. 😝
One guy did say that the people with as much stuff as we have generally seem to work from home and have a hobby. We both work from home a lot and I have many hobbies so that upped the size of the load apparently! 😁
Hope they can finish unloading tomorrow. Thankfully our new neighbors have been understanding about the giant semi in the way!
Whew. I'm tired. It's been crazy hot here in CO so it's been rough on the movers and us. Now we are out to dinner to soak in some AC. I'm drinking water, coke, sangria, and when in Colorado- I tried one sip of Rob's beer. Still not a fan of the beer. The sangria is a white one (I normally like red), and it really tastes more like white wine than anything else. 😭
Better luck next time!!
Until next time!
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